Uptown Arts District Crosswalk Art Call

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The Wonders of Port Angeles — Crosswalk Art Call

Port Angeles is known as the ultimate wilderness basecamp, rich with cultural heritage and natural beauty where the mountains meet the sea. We invite artists to join us in creating works that celebrate The Wonders of Port Angeles. Designs should highlight our city’s cultural vibrancy, unparalleled beauty, or showcase well-known landmarks and hidden gems. Additionally, as the Uptown Arts District (UAD) is tucked just below the Olympic Mountains at the leading edge of Olympic National Park, we seek works that highlight our specific unique location.  


The UAD is seeking an artist interested in transforming 3crosswalks into playful, vibrant, and engaging works of art that will also help to aid in pedestrian and bicycle safety. The designs should have a cohesive style that flows from one crosswalk to another, while incorporating The Wonders of Port Angeles theme.



Submitted works may be realistic or abstract in nature and we encourage feature elements such as:

  • Bright and bold colors, reflecting the vibrant artistic mission of the Uptown Arts District.
  • Flora and fauna, symbolizing our city's harmony with nature.
  • Iconic locations, honoring the placemaking history of Port Angeles.
  • Geometric and abstract shapes or icon style imagery representing natural and vibrant cultural influences of our area.
  • Have a design style that is conducive to touch-up painting by a UAD representative if needed for maintenance.


Artwork must:

  • Comply with the The Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) that sets the standard for road signs, signals, and markings.      
    • Artwork may not cause confusion for pedestrians with vision disabilities, doesn’t include advertising, and doesn’t encourage loitering.
    • The Uptown Arts District Coordinator will help facilitate this process with the City of Port Angeles.


  • Align with or complement the color palette of the UAD as defined below.
  • Be an original artwork created by the artist.
  • Appropriate for all ages.
  • Be scaled to cover the length and width of the crosswalk.
  • Include the UAD logo on each crosswalk. A stencil will be provided to the artist.
  • Use an exterior, acrylic latex-based paint followed by a sealant with a non-skid/ slip-resistant additive. no oil-based paints will be allowed. A final coat of grip paint is required. 

Terms & Conditions:

  • The artist will receive a $5,000 honorarium total. This honorarium will cover the design and production of the artwork for 3 crosswalks as well as all supplies, materials, and transportation to and from the worksite, including final sealant and grip paint. This will also include hosting a joint session with the Uptown Arts District Coordinator to create a working plan for the painting effort potentially including community volunteers (e.g. parents and children from local schools).
  • The Uptown Arts District will pay for any traffic control measures.
  • The payment will be made in two installments, the first will be given two weeks prior to the start of the crosswalk and the second will be provided once the project is complete.
  • The artist agrees to the UAD using and reproducing images, videos, etc. of the selected project from promotional purposes.

The crosswalk art is expected to have a lifespan of approximately 3-5 years without the need of major maintenance until after that time. 


August 29– Call for art opens 

November 1- Call for art closes

November 22- Artist is notified

January 21-25- Artist will meet with the UAD to create a working plan for the painting effort. 

February, 2025- Crosswalk painting to start, which will be scheduled with the Artist and UAD. This is dependent on the weather and is subject to change.

Crosswalk Painting:

The Artist may bring volunteer(s) or partner with an organization to help with the installation. The UAD can help find volunteers if the artist contacts the UAD for assistance at least one month prior to start date. Below is an estimated expectation on how the painting process will take place.

Day 1: Road closed. Crosswalks are power washed and allowed to dry overnight. Day 2: 8:00 am- 5:00 pm-  Artist sketches design onto the first crosswalk and painting begins. When the first crosswalk is complete, the artist will move on to the second, then third.

Day 3: 8:00 am- 5:00 pm- Painting continues, if not finished.

Day 4: 8:00 am- Noon- Artist applies sealant and grip paint.

*Accounting for weather, the streets will be closed to vehicular traffic for two to three consecutive days for the artist to complete the artwork and allow for dry time. Additional time needed to complete the work can be arranged if required. The Uptown Arts District  Coordinator will help coordinate this effort with the City of Port Angeles and its traffic control division. 

We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions.